Hemp, or cannabis, is a plant that has been cultivated for many centuries. Do not think that the desire to “buy marijuana seeds” arises only among marginal individuals. Before that, hemp was used for centuries and continues to be used today for the production of paper, textiles, for use in cooking and medicine.
In the modern world, the industrial cultivation of cannabis is a profitable business, for this purpose hemp seeds Errors Seeds Gold.
Error Seeds offers different types of hemp seeds:
- feminized,
- autofeminized,
- medical.
ES Gold Feminized Seeds are highly sought after by buyers, especially novice growers. Firstly because they contain a large amount of THC. For this, our breeders have bred such varieties for years. Due to the lack of pollination, green resinous cones appear in the place of fallen flowers; feminized varieties have a lot of them. It is this kind of marijuana that has great potency and good homogeneity.
Autoflowering varieties include the Erors Seeds Gold varieties that combine feminized and autoflowering traits. The latter implies that the beginning of the flowering phase of plants does not depend on the length of daylight hours, so that several harvests can be obtained during the year.
Medicinal varieties belonging to the EU Gold category are bred specifically for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, they are distinguished by a balanced content of psychoactive substances.
In our seedbank you can buy Gold and Silver seed.
ES Gold varieties are created by Spanish breeders. Strong genetics guarantee big yields, many varieties have won awards at prestigious international exhibitions. The assortment is quite extensive:
For medical needs it is recommended to buy Errors Seeds Gold AK-47, its extracts are successfully used in the treatment of hypertension and depression.
Silver varieties do not fundamentally differ from Gold, but these seeds are produced in Russia and the CIS countries, and this allows you to endow plants with properties that are ideal for cultivation in domestic natural conditions. The choice of varieties is varied:
- Auto American City Silver;
- Auto Critical Jack Feminised Silver
- Auto Egypt Dog Silver.
Plants ripen quickly and successfully resist pests. Special treatment of seeds increases its quality characteristics.
Where to buy
In our seedbank you can buy the best Errors Seeds Gold seeds grown by experienced growers. All of our products are specially processed, so you end up with powerful, fast-maturing varieties that are highly resistant to pests and insects. You can order the most popular autoflowering feminized variety Super Lemon Haze from us, which has very good genetics and a high THC content. Our breeders deliberately shortened the duration of its growth. You can also buy high-quality Sour Diesel variety in Ears Seeds, which our breeders have developed by crossing several varieties.
Affordable price is not the only reason to use the services of the company:
- a varied assortment of seeds from Russian, Ukrainian and Western breeders;
- fast delivery;
- high quality seed.
Errors Seeds Gold guarantees high yields and excellent quality.